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Advanced Theatre Graphics I Class
Water color paintings, Portrait project   , and redesign sketches 

Detail Design I Class
 Design the play One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest, in 10 year increments. The only character I took additional liberties with was Mcmurphy I designed as a white supremacist and misogynist through the decades. The rest I designed in appropriate attire of the times for their positions as nurse, patient, and prostitute.   

Costume Design I Class
 Design the play, The Revolutionists and the Musical, Sweeney Todd. 

revolutionists ladies v2.jpg

Costume Design I Class
 Replicate a sketch from another designer 

Advanced Theatre Graphic Project 3
 Adapt a few of the previous projects sketches digitally 

Assassins Musical Sketches
 Design studio project to design Assassins by Stephen Sondheim. It was set in a carnival. Each of the assassins have an element of their words on each of their costumes. The ensemble and supporting characters are all in red, white, and blue. 

Advanced Theatre Graphics Project 2
My 2nd watercolor project for the Baroque  period.

Sketches for Shakuntala
These sketches were done for design studio course. We set our production of Shakuntala in India under the rule of the British Raj. I intentionally selected characters to design that would show the British Influence over India during the time period. 

Advanced Theatre Graphics Project 1
Gothic Sketches 

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